Judy Crichton

Judy CrichtonPrize-winning documentary filmmaker Judy Crichton was among the first women to write, direct and produce documentaries at the CBS and ABC news divisions in the 1970s. In the 1980s, she became founding executive producer of American Experience, the grundbreaking history series. During her tenure, the series won seven Emmys, six Peabody Awards, five Writers Guild Awards, and two Alfred I. duPont-Columbia Journalism Awards. When President Bill Clinton awarded Judy Crichton with the National Humanities Medal in 2000, he said, "In creating and producing American Experience, she set a new standard for what television documentaries can be. With talent, passion and purpose, Judy Crichton has elevated a medium she loves and lifted all those who watch it." Crichton's first book was 1900: The Turning Point (Holt 1998). She died in 2007. Portrait of a Marriage was edited and prepared for publication by her daughter Jennifer Crichton. Read More Read Less

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Portrait of a Marriage23 % NR
Publisher: North End Books
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04 Oct 2024
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