Judy Ann Koglin

Judy Ann KoglinJudy Ann Koglin is a self-described jill-of-some trades, master of none. She grew up in the Seattle area, then attended Washington State University in Pullman, where she earned a degree in Business Administration and Marketing. There, she met Wade, ad the two of them married and moved to Richland. Since then, she has enjoyed several mini-careers and eventually earned her MBA. In her teens and twenties, Judy Ann enjoyed several trips to Chelan and found it to be a magical town. She also spent a teenage summer working in a charming beachside area on the Puget Sound, and she draws on both of these experiences to weave coming-of-age stories such as the ones in The Guesthouse Girls series. In 2017, Judy Ann and Wade fulfilled a long-time dream and moved to the island of Maui. There, they enjoy spending time at the beach, taking long walks at night, and teaching Sunday school at Hope Chapel. Together, they are the proud parents of two boys, Tyler and Tim, and a daughter in-law Lauren. Read More Read Less

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