Judith Verduzco

Judith VerduzcoJudith A. Verduzco, LCSW, MPA, finds inspiration to collaborate and develop stories such as Maral & Lupita: A Celebration of Friendship from the myriad relationships that bring light and love to each of her creative endeavors. She is an ideas erson who nurtures their fruition, bringing them to life. She has spent the majority of her professional career in public administration and in service to children, youth, and their families in and through community-based mental health. Currently, Judy and her creative collaborator and business partner Maral have established Palomas Ink, LLC, a consulting firm that promotes social justice and mental health through the art of writing and integrative arts therapeutic modalities. Read More Read Less

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Maral & Lupita: A Celebration of Friendship27 % NR
Publisher: Mascot Kids
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01 Nov 2022
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