Judith Graile

Judith GraileJudith's favourite quote is Life is one big adventure and this is how she lived since she was child. Her mom and people in the small village where she grew up in Germany called her the wild child because she was roaming the nearby forest with her hore every day after school, she climbed the highest trees, rode untrained horses without a saddle, explored dark caves and was simply scared of nothing. The choice of becoming a professional skydiver didn't surprise anybody. Besides co-owning one of the biggest drop zones in Germany (Skydive Colibri in Munich) she competed in several skydiving disciplines. Her achievements include German Champion in both Freestyle and Skysurfing, European Champion in Skysurfing, 3rd place Freestyle World Championship and second in the world in Skysurfing.​ During a successful competition career, Judith was recruited as a stunt woman for several movies/television shows and commercials performing aerial skydiving stunts! After she had done very close to 7000 jumps and over 250 hours as a pilot in a private airplane, she found that she polluted the environment far too much and decided to quit all aviation related activities. She helped many horses and people to get along better with the Gentle Way and rescued a lot of horses, dogs and other animals that other people gave up on while operating Parkland Ranch School of Gentle horsemanship. After giving up skydiving as a profession, Judith went through severe adrenaline withdrawals, She then took on the sports of kiteboarding and snow kiting. It was here she learned to harness the wind without any fossil fuels. A spark ignited. There is just something magical about harnessing wind power... As she was always interested in a healthy lifestyle and eager to learn something new, she started to study nutrition to become a health coach. Read More Read Less

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Healthy - Easy - Delicious32 % NR
Publisher: Judith Graile
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08 Aug 2022
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