Juana Rosa PitaJuana Rosa Pita is a poet, writer, editor, and translator. Having left Cuba in 1961, she has lived in Washington, D.C., Madrid, New Orleans, Miami, and Boston, where she has resided since 2005. Since 1975 when she was awarded the First Prize in Poetr from Latin America in Málaga, Spain, she has published 33 books of poetry; among them: Viajes de Penélope (1980), translated into Italian (Campanotto, 2007) and into English (Penelope's Journeys, 2011); Sorbos de luz/Sips of Light (1990); Una estaci ón en tren (1994), 'Premio Letras de Oro' (1993); Tela de concierto (1999), El ángel sonriente/L'angelo sorridente (2013), Se desata el milagro/Si scatena il miracolo (2016), and Infancy of Our Bread (2020). For her body of work, she has received prizes such as the VIII Premio Internazionale Ultimo Novecento (Pisa, 1985) and the Premio Alghero Culture for Peace (1987). Extensively studied and translated into six languages, her poems have been featured in anthologies such as New Directions in Prose and Poetry 49 (New York,1985), translated by Donald D. Walsh; Poesía cubana contemporánea (F C E: México 2003); and Otra Cuba secreta (Madrid, 2011). A comprehensive anthology of her poetic work was published in Spanish in spring 2019 by Editorial Verbum in Madrid. Soon afterward, Editorial Deslinde, also in Madrid, chose her recent poetic volume, Imaginando la verdad, as its opening publication. Read More Read Less