Jp Hugo Vargas

Jp Hugo VargasJP Hugo Vargas is an established film photographer and professor/instructor of English language and writing. He has worked as a feature writer for most every Connecticut periodical; is a sought-after personnel consultant; has conducted ethnographic rsearch documenting the musical form and voices of gauchos in Argentina; worked in conflict transformation in Eastern Africa, and has studied as many disparate topics that were available to him. He finds power in language and self-directed study. Helping our collective community is a desire that he works towards; however, since interacting with the trauma of others seems to have become overwhelming, he has pledged a tithe of the funds of his creative work towards those vulnerable forgotten peoples. He enjoys copious stiff whiskies and soda, cigarettes, dangerous adventures, and occasional bouts of absurdity whenever possible. He is Argentine-American, kind, fair, and a madman; hoping only one day to be a good man. Read More Read Less

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