Joy Delyria

Joy DelyriaJoy DeLyria, 27, plays badminton on weekdays and takes her tea at four. She studied letters and then made them into words, and is now working on the paragraph thing. When not defying society by wearing breeches instead of the customary bustle, she inerprets science, directs gender-bending, quasi-legal, theatrical park productions, and loves her mother very much. Sean Michael Robinson, 31, is a writer, cartoonist and former high school art teacher, man-about-town, and lover of science. In December of 2010, he worked almost eighty hours as a Victorian-era mercenary caroler, complete with four-part harmony, tails, and top hat. He's currently halfway through his debut graphic novel, recording his fourth album, and moonlights as an internet phenomenon. Read More Read Less

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Down in the Hole36 % NR
Publisher: powerHouse Books
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11 Sep 2012
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