Joy Dakinisun

Joy DakinisunDear readers, my name is Joy Dakinisun. I was born in Hamburg, Germany. I spent a wonderful childhood in the USA. The challenges began back in Europe. I went through all kinds of education and college. I worked in Germany and Switzerland. Now I feel ore as a citizen of the world. Many roles in my life, many ups and downs, intensive experience, prepared me for the role of a future thinker, personal intensive coach, energy therapist, author, BasicIncome activist, artist. I worked in several jobs and leading positions. In these times of fundamental, evolutionary change in our lives and the world I see my purpose to serve people in helping them to reconnect with their inner stability and guidance. Together we connect timeless wisdom with spirit and new technologies to be an active part of finding new solutions for a new life story. I write to give leading edge knowledge and information into the world. The knowing about new possibilities enables us to switch perspective and together choose a new life path. Change should become inspiring again! I invented the three day intensive coaching to let people feel that change is something exciting and mostly leads us into a much better life situation than before, if we stay positive. Life happens for us not to us. With my book "The Vision behind Unconditional BasicIncome" helps to imagine and realize what changing impact it can have on our lives and the whole world if everyone of us would have an unconditional finacial basic floor. It explains the chainreaction it will have in a story. This can be our new life story if you all participate. Booktrailers: https: // https: // Read More Read Less

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