José Maria Miranda Boto

José Maria Miranda BotoAssociate Professor in Labour Law, University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)Author of more than 150 papers on Spanish and European Labour Law. Member of several funded research projects on Spanish and European Labour Law for the European Commissio, the Spanish Government, regional authorities, trade unions, etc. Manager of the COGENS Project on Gig-Economy and Collective Bargaining (VS/2019/0084), funded by the European Commission.Professeur invité at Université Lyon II Lumière and Gastprofessor in the Universität Wien; Erasmus teaching in the Instituto Superiordas Ciencias do Trabalho e da Empresa de Lisboa and the Università degli Studi di Cagliari; conferences in Universidadedo Minho de Braga, Pázmány Peter Katolikus Egyetem of Budapest, Université Jean Monnet de Saint-Etienne and Université de Luxembourg. Member of the Experts' Group designated by the Ministry of Employment of Spain to study the consequences of the De Diego Porras ECJ's ruling; Spanish expert for the Conseil d'orientation pour l'emploi of the French Government; former Coordinator of the European Labour Law Young Scholars' Section of the ISLSSL;Secretary-General of the Spanish Association of Labour and Social Security Law Read More Read Less

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Collective Bargaining and the Gig EconomyNR
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Collective Bargaining and the Gig EconomyNR
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