Josiah M Callaghan

Josiah M CallaghanJOSIAH MACRAE CALLAGHAN is a Minnesota native, born and raised outside of Minneapolis. Carrying with him the heritage of his Irish, German, and Scandinavian ancestors, Callaghan follows in the footsteps of his great-great-grandfather, Knut B. Birkelad, a minister and prolific writer. Inspired by the inherited residue of folk tales and the corpus of Western literature, from Virgil and Sappho to Milton and Emerson, Callaghan finds solace in the pursuit of wisdom and self-expression through creative writing and theological inquiry. Hereceived a Bachelor of Arts in Biblical and Theological Studies from Bethel University in 2017 and completed his Master of Arts at Luther Theological Seminary in 2020. When time allows, Josiah finds refuge in the pristine wilderness of the Boundary Waters or in the pages of an enticing classic. Read More Read Less

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Publisher: Good Soil Press
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15 Oct 2022
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