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Joshua O Bruening

Joshua O BrueningDr. John Pugh has been practicing in the psychology field for over 40 years. He hasearned several master's degrees in theology before earning a master's degree in psychology andthen a doctorate in Counseling Psychology in 1993. He has taught psycholoy in the UnitedStates and Moldova, has served as a pastor, and works presently as a Licensed Psychologist inPennsylvania. Amongst enduring several serious problems and issues throughout his life, a neardeath experience would transform and refine his ideas about counseling and psychotherapy.Propelling him back to his faith and purpose. John's call to the Lord for relief transformed hissense of despair into a working theory for counseling.To those who know him, John is a devoted Christian and works to integrate God's love inall that he does. His experience in Counseling Psychology and Christianity has led him topublishing and documenting his observations as evidence of the "Spirit's Work." His theory forhelping others can change how Christian Counseling is viewed in a secular sense. The aim isidentifying evidenced based counseling techniques and theory within the Holy scriptures. Thepurpose of this book is to share with those how unifying evidenced-based and faith-basedcounseling will allow the Holy Spirit to solidify change in individuals who seek it. Read More Read Less

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