Josephine Crawley Quinn

Josephine Crawley QuinnJosephine Crawley Quinn is University Lecturer in Ancient History at the University of Oxford and Fellow and Tutor of Worcester College, Oxford. She works on Mediterranean history and archaeology, with a particular interest in ancient North Africa, bt has published articles on topics from Roman imperialism to gender ideologies in Athenian sculpture to Carthaginian child sacrifice to Capitolia and co-edited a volume of essays on the Punic Mediterranean with Nick Vella. She served as Editor of the Papers of the British School at Rome (2008-11) and she now co-directs the excavations at Utica (Tunisia), with Andrew Wilson and Elizabeth Fentress, and the Oxford Centre for Phoenician and Punic Studies, with Jonathan Prag. She is currently writing a book on Phoenicianism from Homer to the Arab Spring. Read More Read Less

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