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Josephine C M Faal

Josephine C M FaalJosephine C. M Faal has a multifaceted background as a Development Economist, businesswoman and writer whose debut fiction novel is MY MOTHER'S SON.Josephine is the Founder and CEO of Smart & Savvy Women (SSW) Production. SSW is a fast-growing UK-basd production company working across Film and Television. The company uses the power of storytelling to bring the best of Africa's creative talent to the rest of the world. Additionally, Josephine is the Creative Director and Executive Producer of the SSW debut production FIT FOR A FIRST LADY Reality TV Show. As a Development Economist, Josephine has worked on programmes and projects promoting EU-Africa's international trade, economic growth, poverty reduction, social development, and sustainability in Europe and Africa. Her experience includes working with international organisations, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), or government agencies to design and implement development strategies, manage projects, and evaluate their impact. Josephine holds a master's degree in Regional Integration and Development from the Vrije Universiteit Brussels and a Business Management Degree from the University of Maryland University College.Josephine lives in the United Kingdom, where she continues to advocate for African women and youth entrepreneurship in the Fashion Industry, particularly emphasising enhancing access to finance and markets. Read More Read Less

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My Mother's Son4 % NR
Publisher: Josephine Faal
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28 Nov 2023
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