Joseph de Feo

Joseph de FeoJoseph A. DeFeo, President and Chief Executive Officer of Juran Institute, is recognized for his training and consulting expertise in sustaining breakthrough improvements within many different organizations worldwide. He has been instrumentalin progressing the subject of Breakthrough Improvement by focusing on the needs of today's contemporary and demanding industries. He is considered a knowledge expert on the Management of Quality, Business Process Management, Six Sigma Deployment, Strategic Quality Planning, and supportive methodologies. He is a regular speaker at national conferences and his counsel has been published widely in national and international publications.William W. Barnard, PhD. is a Senior Vice President at Juran Institute. Bill advises and assists management in industries such as health care, universities, and government ministries, emphasizing how to implement managing for quality. He has represented Juran Institute in North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Pacific and has orgiinated the Institute's Facilitator Training courses.The Juran Institute provides training and consulting services to help organizations worldwide achieve sustainable breakthrough improvements. Dr. Joseph M. Juran, a pioneer in the quality revolution who developed many of the techniques and tools on which the Six Sigma methodology is based, founded the Insitute in 1979. Apart from Six Sigma, the Institute's areas of expertise include breakthrough improvement, strategic deployment, benchmarking and lean manufacturing. Juran Institute is headquartered in Wilton, Connecticut, and has European offices in Amsterdam and Madrid. For more information, vist Read More Read Less

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