Joké Hoetmer

Joké HoetmerJoké Hoetmer (72) is a mother of two and a Grandmother to three Grandchildren, she is a passionate Mentor with a Global Vision to Empower woman who have experienced adversity, loss, trauma and emotional pain and abuse of all forms. Her "Raw and Real onversation Podcasts" are where people can learn from her unusual experiences through her anecdotes and life stories which the listener can identify with, and find solutions to their own challenges. Her infectious enthusiasm and persuasive approach inspire people to overcome their pain, doubts and self-restrictions, as she gets to the root of their problem.Her approach of empathetic non-judgemental listening, with an open mind and a caring heart has committed her life to supporting the listener on their journey.Her own life experiences as an entrepreneur and parent provide guidance in overcoming adversity. As a Global Ambassador Joké has earned the respect in her field, to support individuals and families with the strategies and tools to cope with situations, bringing hope to their future as they develop in day to day life, and in their business environments. Read More Read Less

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Tear's Behind the Smile2 % NR
Publisher: Joke Hoetmer
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01 Dec 2022
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