John W Bader

John W BaderAs the saying goes, there are three ways to make a million dollars: marry someone rich: inherit great wealth: or start with two million and invest it. When John turned twelve, he followed the third route. He took one hundred dollars of hard earned moey that he had made from selling papers and, with help from his dad invested it in the stock market. The security he selected, which the experts claimed was a safe stock with an attractive dividend, could not fail. In less than a year, the stock had lost half of its value and John realized that he could just as easily lose money as make it if he depended on others for advice. However John was not deterred from this financial setback. Failure was not a part of his vocabulary. John adopted the philosophy that you either succeed or you learn, and he had a lot of learning to do. This book is about risk taking and how some people seem to be successful in all facets of their life, while others continue to be stuck in neutral. If you can leave your comfort zone and add a measure of calculated risk to your lifestyle, without the fear of failure, than the door is opened to all forms of self- fulfillment, confidence, and a more rewarding existence. Read More Read Less

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