John Philip Stirling

John Philip StirlingI was born in St. Thomas Ontario Canada in March many years ago . I do not remember my blood Father being at home and when I was 10 my mother remarried to a wonderful man named Len Stirling. We moved from St Thomas and I grew up in Kingston Ontario. had a normal childhood and Len taught me to fish and camp and bought us all a summer cottage that me and my brother were at from the minute we got out of school for the summer till labor day Sunday every year I can remember. I was a defensive end and a Halfback at my high school called Frontenac, plus played hockey and by the time I was 16 was playing for Three teams all at the same time, the Kingston Township Midget All Stars and Kingston Township Juvenile All Stars (which was a league 2 years older than I was) and the Midget Panthers in the house league. Kingston was a great place and I got my more refined education and dates at the Lakeview Manor Pub. We partied hard then and my best friends Richard M., Charlie G. and Kenny W. plus the many others had a riot but separated in later years as people do. A sad thing really having to grow up.I met my wife of 37 years Marlene Hewitt in Kingston Ontario Canada at the lakeview Manor but earlier, I was a drug dealer starting in grade 9 where I drove from Kingston to Eddy St Pool Hall in Hull Quebec most Thursday afternoons while skipping classes . Every drug in the world was for sale there and I would buy $100 of MDA in caps for $0.60 each that they would count out on a pool table and then I would sell them at the high school during the Friday night dance. Everyone did them and if anyone whoever went to a Friday night dance put on by Paul Stanton our class president and fellow football and hockey buddy, says they didn't, their a liar.Hogan and I moved with Dirt Man Dan and his skanky girlfriend at the time, Diane Huff to Key Largo Florida where I went to buy pot. After a few months Dan and I were running 200 pounds of pot from Florida to Calgary Canada during the oil boom and making a fortune.My Smuggling started there and the rest is in the 4 books I have written called The Last Pirate 1,2,3,4 & 5 . I am available for and questions or advice or help or possible consultation at anytime and will never lie about anything to you. I did finally learn, the truth hurts sometimes a lot but only for a while, but a lie hurts forever and really bad. Read More Read Less

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Last Pirate II11 % NR
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Publisher: Draft2digital
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Last Pirate I11 % NR
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16 Feb 2022
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