John H Dumke

John H DumkeJohn H. Dumke Sr. is the son of a pastor, the Reverend Allen W Dumke, now passed on to his reward. In his father's first church in Hinton, Iowa, John went forward and accepted Jesus as his personal Savior. He told his mother the next day that he now ad two birthdays. At twenty-five years of age having marred once, and having five children, was divorced, as he says now drifted away from faith.His oldest child, Steven Allen graduated to Heaven at Christmas time in 1965. He then met and married Nita Raye, who already had one child, they then had one more, so they together raised Kim (for a short time) then Stephanie, John H the Second, Brad, Jim and Chris.Because of difficult financial times in 1976, and searching for answers, he returned to faith. As he put it, "I finally submitted to the Lordship of God over my life." Since then, he has been studying and writing. This is his second book, the first book, "The Majesty, The Mystery and Mission of Marriage," is available at April 14, 2016, John and Nita Raye celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary with their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, as many as could make it to the party. October 16th, 2020, Nita Raye completed her course on earth and graduated to Glory. John is working to complete his course and longs to join her, to live forever in the presence of God the Father, God the Son, Jesus Christ his Savior, and God the Holy Spirit. Read More Read Less

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Human Jesus in the Garden of GethsemaneNR
Publisher: Quippy Quill LLC
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04 Jul 2024
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I Am A Simple Man With A Simple Faith10 % NR
Publisher: Arpress
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22 Dec 2023
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Human Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane
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22 May 2017
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