John Gwinner

John GwinnerJohn Gwinner is a Chief Technology Officer with nearly 2 decades of experience in VR. He developed a VR interface for CompuServe during the last wave of VR. He helped develop VRML (Virtual Reality Markup Language) and Web3D with a focus toward PCs, ad put early versions of XML on the web. He was a returning speaker at the Game Developer Convention on 3D toolkits, AI, and VR. He was an early Kickstarter of a new VR Headset in 2014. Now that VR is definitely taking off again, John is once again at the forefront, with Vontic - developing VR interfaces to data, architectural visualization, and a bowling game that pits you against garden gnomes. He is a most viewed writer on Virtual Worlds and Augmented Reality on Quora, answering questions about VR and its future direction. Read More Read Less

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