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John Barry Quinn

John Barry QuinnJohn Barry Quinn lives in Hampshire. After working for years as a journalist for the Southampton Advertiser, Basingstoke Gazette, a spell on the BT sports' reporting service as a producer, then an evening paper, the Bournemouth Echo, he set his sight on 'Fleet Street' and started working shifts on the Evening Standard before finding a birth for a few years on the Mail on Sunday. The paper was then in its pomp under the mercurial editor Stewart Steven - totally separate from The Daily Mail, the MoS was awash with confidence, talent and money and would take on the world to land a great exclusive. It was there that John won, as part of a team, the Campaigning Journalist of the Year award. He left the Mail on Sunday to grab the opportunity of owning Solent News & Photo Agency. With the help of brilliant journalists, the agency grew into one of the most successful in Britain. He has since chaired the National Association of Press Agencies and become an initial investor in Wave 105, the south's first regional radio station. Turning his talents to creative writing, his play, The Last Talent Show, broke box office records and his radio drama, Alchemy in Three Easy Lessons, won the BMAF writing competition and was subsequently broadcast. The Reporter is John's first thriller novel. Read More Read Less

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