John Angell Grant

John Angell GrantBay Area poet John Angell Grant is the author of The Green Notebook, a collection of poems issued by Eyepublishewe in San Francisco. Grant's poetry has appeared in Tangents, Jeudi des Mots (translated into French by Marilyne Bertoncini), Behind a Doo, Mots de PaiX et d'Espérance, Time to Arrive, and elsewhere. (Please click on underlined hyperlinks for more information.)An award-winning filmmaker, Grant is also the author of Women and Religion in the Modern Drawing Room, a scholarly study of poet T.S. Eliot's late plays. Grant's short films "Two Stoners" and "1958" have won multiple awards over the past year. Grant is also the author of 12 fully produced stage plays. He was playwright-in-residence at Berkeley's Bare Stage, and a member of the OATCO Playwrights Unit in San Francisco. John's play LANGUAGE AS COMMUNICATION was produced in New York by the Manhattan Class Company (MCC), as well as in Los Angeles at the Gardner Stage and at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Locally, his play "A Package for Max" was produced at the Pear Theater in Mountain View, as well as in Chicago by New Branch Theater.Grant's serialized novel Palo Alto Odyssey ran in the Palo Alto Daily Post. A second serialized novel, A Deadly Secret, also ran in the Palo Alto Daily Post.Grant has worked in video production, where he produced a television series on the Holocaust, as well as 100 two-minute films. He has written for American Theater magazine and many other publications, authoring 2,000 theater reviews, and 300 poems. Grant has a B.A. in Comp Literature from Columbia, and an MLA from Stanford. For more information, visit Read More Read Less

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Green Notebook25 % NR
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Women and Religion in the Modern Drawing Room50 % NR
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