Johanny Vázquez Paz

Johanny Vázquez PazJohanny Vázquez Paz is the author of Sagrada familia (winner of the International Latino Book Award, 2015), Querido voyeur, and Streetwise Poems / Poemas callejeros. She won first prize in the poetry category at the Conseno Short Story and Poetry Contest of Northeastern Illinois University, and second prize in the short story category. She coedited the anthology Between the Heart and the Land / Entre el corazón y la tierra: Latina Poets in the Midwest and her work has been included in the anthologies City of the Big Shoulders, Ejército de rosas, En la 18 a la 1, and The City Visible: Chicago Poetry for the New Century, among others. She currently teaches at Harold Washington College in Chicago, Illinois. Read More Read Less

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I Offer My Heart as a Target / Ofrezco Mi Corazã3n Como Una Diana8 % NR
Publisher: Akashic Books
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03 Dec 2019
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