Joe Woo

Joe Woo

I'm Chinese-American. Born in Burbank, California in 1948. Attended U.C.L.A., graduated in 1971 with a degree in Political Science. Attended U.S.C. Cinema School in 1974-76. I worked for 35 years in motion pictures and t.v. as an editor, associateeditor, visual effects editor, and assistant editor. I'm a retired member of the Motion Picture Editors Guild.
My passion is watching movies, Tai-Chi, board surfing and playing sand volleyball.
I've been a member of the San Onofre Surf Club for over 40 years.
I've recently moved to Maui, Hawaii for my retirement.
I've been a single man all of my life. Several girlfriends, but none able to tie me down.
Family and friends are the loves of my life. And, what a life it has been.

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Life's Abyss Then You DiveNR
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25 Mar 2014
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