Joe Van Wyk

Joe Van WykJoe Van Wyk inspires people to find inner peace through their creative endeavors. As an author, coach, professional photographer, visual storyteller, and graphic artist, Joe brings a wealth of experience andinsight to his readers and clients.Joe's jorney toward inner peace began with his own personal struggles with depression and anxiety.Through the transformative power of mindful photography, he discovered a pathway to present-moment awareness, which enabled him to confront and overcome his inner demons. Today, his missionis to share these techniques with others, empowering them to achieve a sense of inner calm andfulfillment.An award-winning photographer, Joe spent many years in corporate creative roles, including brandmarketing, catalog and newsletter layout, business photography, and videography. Over the years, hehas honed his craft and shared his passion for photography through various mediums, including streetphotography and visual storytelling.Joe's current book, The Mindful Photography Field Guide: 15 Smartphone Photography Practices forInner Peace, epitomizes his mission to make mindfulness accessible to all so they can experience peaceand presence in everyday life. A devout Christian, Joe shows how all people can benefit from thesepractices regardless of their religious outlook. His goal is to offer those struggling a path towardauthentic living so they can embrace their true potential.Outside of his professional pursuits, Joe finds solace in the natural beauty of Glenwood Springs, Colorado, where he is often accompanied by his faithful companion, Frankie the Doodle. Read More Read Less

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Mindful Photography Field Guide25 % NR
Publisher: Joe Van Wyk LLC
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16 May 2024
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