Joe Evangelisti

Joe EvangelistiJoe Evangelisti was born in the suburbs of Philadelphia. He grew up around the construction business, working alongside his father, Rob, and his Uncle Dennis, helping them in their business as a kid. He realized from a young age that he was put on ths Earth to BUILD. A decorated Navy Seabee (United States Naval Construction Battalion), Joe led construction teams in Qatar during Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom.A decorated Navy Seabee (United States Naval Construction Battalion), Joe led construction teams in Qatar during Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. With Letters of Recommendations from the United States Navy and The White House, a Letter of Appreciation from President Clinton and numerous medals and accommodations from the US Navy and the Secretary of Defense, Joe ultimately realized that he was also put on this Earth to LEAD.Joe has spent the last 15 years in the private sector founding and growing multiple companies through the 7 and 8 figure mark. He is the CEO of Legacy Builder Executive coaching, and the president and CEO of Mammoth Ecom, Legacy Developers and has multiple holdings in both the real estate and media businesses. He's the host of the Legacy Blueprint Podcast and the Wholescale Podcast, author of two Amazon Best sellers: Whole Scaling and The Secrets of Mastering the Flip Game, and co-author of Legacy Wealth Blueprint.Joe has raised hundreds of millions in capital, but more importantly he's elevated thousands of leaders to THINK BIGGER, REACH FURTHER, AND UNLOCK THE FIVE FREEDOMS in all aspects of their lives, and when you reach the end of Multiplicity, he'll have done the same for you. Read More Read Less

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Publisher: Gatekeeper Press
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26 Aug 2021
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