Joan TogliaJoan Toglia, Ph.D, OTR/L, FAOTA is internationally recognized as a leader in Cognitive Rehabilitation and Occupational Therapy. She is an Adjunct Clinical Professor of Cognitive Science in Rehabilitation Medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College, NY;Professor of Occupational Therapy, and Dean of the School of Health and Natural Sciences, Mercy College, NY. Dr. Toglia has over 30 years of experience in Occupational Therapy, with a specialization in NeuroRehabilitation and cognitive impairments following acquired brain injury. Her advanced graduate and doctoral work in Educational Psychology includes specializations in cognition & learning as well as measurement & evaluation. Dr. Toglia has contributed extensively to the field of cognitive perceptual rehabilitation as a clinician, author, educator, and researcher. She has presented over 300 workshops and lectures on cognitive rehabilitation to clinicians throughout the United States and around the world including Hong Kong, South Africa, Israel, Europe, Canada and South America. Her work has focused on theory, assessment methods and intervention strategies to support and optimize cognitive function across different populations. Dr. Toglia's publications include a co-edited a book, assessment tools, and over 75 journal articles and book chapters. Motivated by a clinical need to address challenges in self-awareness and learning observed in people with brain injury, she was one of the first clinicians and authors to apply metacognitive strategy principles to Cognitive Rehabilitation and hence developed the Multicontext Approach. Dr. Toglia has been recognized for her leadership and contributions to Cognitive Rehabilitation Theory and Practice by the American Occupational Therapy Association through an Achievement Award and appointment to the Roster of Fellows of the American Occupational Therapy Association. Read More Read Less
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