Jiping Bai

Jiping BaiDr. Bai completed his PhD at University of Dundee. He has obtained extensive professional and academic experience in research, consultancy, learning and teaching. He has been actively involved in: developing, managing and undertaking research and knoledge transfer; successful research grant applications from research council (European Social Fund) and Welsh Government in collaboration with industrial partners; developing close international collaborations, including research projects, course development and student exchanges; and promoting, further developing and strengthening links with industry.

Dr Bai specializes in sustainable materials, components, and structural systems, with emphasis on technical advances in sustainable materials and structural systems. His work has been broadly based within the field of concrete science, technology, structural systems, and computational optimization, involving research, consultancy, learning and teaching. Read More Read Less

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Advanced Fibre-Reinforced Polymer (Frp) Composites for Structural Applications18 % NR
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