Jim TrovatoThis is Jim and Pattie Trovato's debut children's storybook, with many more to come! Together, they have raised six kids (three boys and three girls, all amazing adults now). Seven grandchildren add zip to their lives! Reading and telling stories to heir TrovatoTribe has been an important part of their lives. Their fathers, Frank Trovato, and Charley Wolf (role model for Chief Charley), said that hard, steady work, focus, and patience brings forth the fruits of success. Jim has built their Tudor-styled home, the Raven's Stadium, B.W.I Airport, and the Baltimore Aquarium. Today, the football players are out on the field, jets filled with travelers landing on the runways, and people "oohing and aahing" at the sharks. With the right team, blueprints, and tools, one can build anything. Likewise, Pattie has been the helpmeet to Jim, constructing story ideas into reality. She homeschooled their children, loves making baby quilts, and is active in her church. Their dog, Chayah, is the model for Pee-Yu! Great team work alongside a winning game plan, means there is no defeat! Read More Read Less