Jim PatewaJim Patewa was born in Yengema, in the Eastern Province of Sierra Leone. He attended the United Methodist Primary School, New Site, Bo, Sierra Leone, before completing his secondary school education at the Christ The King College, Bo. Jim completed hs bachelor's degree in Agriculture General at the Njala University College, Sierra Leon, in 1983. After his university education, Jim taught mathematics at the Centenary Secondary School Bo and the Sierra Leone Muslim Brotherhood Secondary School in Mile 91, north of the country.
In 1978/88, Jim worked as an agricultural officer in the Bonthe District for the National Association of Farmers of Sierra Leone. In 1988 Jim joined the Sierra Leone Church/Commission on Churches in Development (SLC/CCD), an agricultural extension rural development programme in the Pujehun District, as an agricultural extension officer/counterpart programme manager.
From 1989 to 1991, Jim served as manager, SLC/CCD programme. He was also a facilitator, for the National Development Education and Leadership Training programme (DELTA).
From 1991 to 1993, he served as a counterpart Agricultural Advisor to the development office of the Bo Anglican Diocese. In 1993, Jim completed an MSc in agricultural extension at the University of Reading, UK.
In 1996, he started a doctorate programme at the Gender Institute, London School of Economics and Political Science, on the topic: "How women can contribute to the post-war rehabilitation and development of their rural communities in Sierra Leone using the concept of social capital", which he couldn't complete owing to circumstantial constraints. In 2004, Jim completed a Diploma/MSc in social work at the University of Reading. In 2008, he completed a Diploma in Higher Practice Education in social work at the University of Reading, UK. Read More Read Less