Jill Ruschli Crane

Jill Ruschli CraneGrowing up, Jill Ruschli Crane was fascinated by family tales about the Roaring Twenties in Glenview. Offspring of bootleggers, bartenders and a gangster's moll, she researched what it was really like in those dry days. Her scrutiny uncovered humble,hardworking people caught up in the Prohibition culture they didn't want as they coped through a frantic time. Her previous endeavors included raising more than $1 million for a children's hospital, running her own interior design business, golfing her way to an eighteen handicap (that lasted two weeks) and using her passion for history to author a country club centennial musical review. This is her first book, but more Glenview history is on its way, with her next book about Curtiss-Reynolds Airfield, Glenview's premier airport, the precursor to the Glenview Naval Air Station. Read More Read Less

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