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Jill Iverson

Jill IversonMy family's summers were spent operating a remote fly-inCanadian fish camp, where we made our own fun by the water.Having no electricity or media, we rose with the sun and tookour cues from the earth. Befriending toads, climbing rocks, swimming, andceative play gave me the background experiences that make me who I amtoday.Creativity and art have always been central to my life. My grandmotherMargaret was a watercolorist and puppeteer who shared her talents with me.I would go on to study art in college but would lose the pleasures of beinga simple maker when life demanded other things from me. Motherhood wasimportant and fulfilling, but being a full-time worker and parent left little timefor art.The question of what to do with my life after our sons matured and worklife ended was an interesting one. My first few years of retirement were focusedon completing tasks in several community volunteer positions.When we began considering doing the Great Loop I realized that lettinggo of all the distractions of life on land could mirror my childhood years atcamp and I could make time for daily creativity. I see the world with differenteyes when I am making art regularly. I would go on to use the simple tools inmy art drawer and my needles and embroidery floss to reflect on the interestingworld I saw from the windows of MV Alvin James and the results wouldoften surprise me. Read More Read Less

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