Jill Duhon

Jill DuhonJill L. Duhon has taught primarily in gifted enrichment programs for accelerated students for thirty-three years. Newly retired, she gives her students credit for her creative inspiration and gratitude to her husband for choosing beekeeping as a hobb. She holds a bachelor's degree in elementary education from Louisiana State University and a master's degree in education from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.

A Perfect Place to Bee, Jill's first children's book, was written with a message of unity, illustrating the importance of sharing our unique gifts for the good of others. Jill plans to continue to write for children using universal themes that are relevant to all audiences. She also enjoys painting, photography, and visiting national parks with her family.
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Perfect Place to Bee27 % NR
Publisher: Mascot Kids
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15 Mar 2022
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