Jill Duff

Jill DuffJill Duff is the Anglican Bishop of Lancaster in the Diocese of Blackburn in her home county of Lancashire, as well as an Assistant Bishop in the Diocese of St Asaph in Wales. She is a sought-after speaker, passionate about communicating the good new of Jesus in everyday language, and committed to finding ways for people to come home spiritually. A chemist by background, Jill worked in research and management in a multi-national oil company before being ordained into the Church of England. Until becoming a bishop, she served all her ministry in deprived areas of Liverpool Diocese. She was the founding director of St Mellitus North West - the first full-time ordination training college in the region for over forty years - where she taught mission, evangelism and New Testament. Jill is mum to two teenage boys and wife to Jeremy. Read More Read Less

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