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Jes Hooper

Jes HooperJes Hooper is an Anthrozoology PhD candidate at the University of Exeter, UK, and a member of Exeter's Anthrozoology as Symbiotic Ethics (EASE) working group. Jes' current research focuses on human-animal encounters within the trade in exotic wildlif for the pet, coffee, tourism, and zoo industries. Jes' PhD project, The Civet Project, is a multi-species and multi-sited ethnography following the stories of Viverridae species entangled within live animal trade, with encounters viewed through a trans-species lens. Jes is also a HE lecturer on two undergraduate programs in Animal Behavior, Welfare and Conservation at Plumpton College, UK, where she runs undergraduate modules in Human-Animal Interactions, Applied Methods for Conservation, Research Skills, and Contemporary Advances in Animal Behavior. Jes is also a freelance writer specializing in animal ethics, and blogs under the name "Shilo & Patch." Read More Read Less

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