Jes Averhart

Jes AverhartJes Averhart: I'm a Midwestern girl! I'm also a fourth-generationentrepreneur, creator of 28 Days of Reinvention and hostof Reinvention Road Trip Podcast. I'm also the mom of asix-foot, five-inch teenage boy and one-foot, eleven-inch bulldognamed Rosoe. Over the last two decades, I've worked with a portfolioof Fortune 500 companies and public sector organizations onthe principles of transformational leadership, self-discovery, and theart of reinvention.I realized my true passion for leadership development andwomen's empowerment while leading partner engagement atthe American Underground, a Google for Startups Tech Hub(aka, the "Startup Capital of the South" by CNBC). After spendingmuch of my time immersed in the startup scene, I was inspired toco-found Black Wall Street Homecoming, a nonprofit aimed at closingthe funding gap for Black and brown tech founders.I love writing in the mountains and on the beaches of NorthCarolina, cheering on the Ohio State Buckeyes, and globe-trotting.But without question, my greatest gift is my son Tre, who helps keepall things in perspective!Find me on LinkedIn and at and Read More Read Less

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