Jerzy George Dyczynski

Jerzy George DyczynskiDr. Jerzy (George) Dyczynski, MD, MBA, is a highly experienced medical doctor with a deep interest and extensive experience in conventional and traditional medical practices. He began his career as a medical doctor in 1976, became a specialist in intrnal medicine in 1987, and became a Cardiologist in 2002. Dr Jerzy has worked in healthcare settings in Poland, Germany, Switzerland, and Australia, refining his skills and knowledge. Dr. Jerzy holds a Doctorate in Cardiology, has authored numerous papers in international journals, and has delivered many scientific presentations. He has also received qualifications in medical quality management from the Bavarian Medical Council in Munich and earned a medical MBA from the University of Lueneburg in Germany. Dr. Jerzy Dyczynski has worked for over 35 years as a Medical Doctor, Specialist in Internal Medicine, and Cardiologist in public and private healthcare systems. He also researched Heart-Brain Medicine and worked as a clinical acupuncturist at the ECU clinic for outpatients at Edith Cowan University in Perth between 2008 and 2009. His extensive training in traditional Chinese medicine, energy channels, traditional gymnastics for health, and Kung Fu martial arts over 30 years has provided him with a unique perspective on holistic health, which he integrates into his cardiology practice to provide comprehensive care for his patients. He is also an author, having published several books integrating Eastern and Western medicine. His most recent books include "The Dyczynski Program: Healing the Intelligent Heart", published in 2022, and the following book, "Grace in Movement," published in 2024, which focuses on the integration of traditional and conventional modern medicine. Read More Read Less

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