Jerry Labriola

Jerry LabriolaOnce again, Rick Chandler combines international treasure hunting with giving talks around the globe. Talk titles range from Napoleon, to mythology, to Winston Churchill, and to cruise ship crime. Featured talk centers range from Connecticut's Hollins General Hospital to Paris, to Portugal, to Germany, and to the Far East. Most talks have either an ever-present Mr. Nemesis in the audience or, later on, a mysterious Mr. Stalker. They have an eye on Rick and his quartet of close friends who accompany him on his many trips. At one point, ISIS, al Qaeda and Iraq enter the picture, and they threaten to overtake the world in due course. It takes all of Rick's energy and the efforts of Leon Cassell, the director of Gens de Verite and the French government to curtail such action. Leon stresses his years of police work and of teaching a course on Corrections, Crime and Criminology at the University of Paris. As a final maneuver, he resorts to lying about his making arrests in places beyond Paris. Captivating throughout, the book will leave you spellbound as you wish for the reading experience not to end. Read More Read Less

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Shocking Cases from Dr. Henry Lee's Forensic Files27 % NR
Publisher: Prometheus Books
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23 Feb 2010
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Dr. Henry Lee's Forensic Files45 % NR
Publisher: Prometheus Books
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02 May 2006
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