Jeremy Scott Askins

Jeremy Scott AskinsJeremy has many loves in his life, and at the top of that list are God and his family. He is a devoted husband and is blessed to be the father of five wonderful children. He is a passionate seeker of God, truth, and finding and understanding one's pupose. Before he developed a relationship with God, he spent most of his life chasing his dreams, only to find an empty feeling of never quite being fulfilled. Recently, he has been led down a path to the discovery of God's purpose for his life. He now strives to put God at the forefront of everything he does. He realizes that he has made a million mistakes, but he has learned and grown with each one of them. Jeremy has been known to disrupt every room that he enters - in a positive way. Now that he owns his purpose, he has found freedom and healing. His prayer is that this book will be the start of a life changing journey for you. Read More Read Less

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