Jeremy Fiebig

Jeremy FiebigJeremy Fiebig (he/him/his) is a maker of bonfires and the communities around them. As a working artist, teacher, organizer, coach, consultant, and seeker, he creates and facilitates moments of joy, reflection, and shared humanity. In his work, he hels folks delight their communities through transformational events, stories, design, and content that earn vibrancy, value, and investment.Jeremy is a Renaissance man. Having trained in theatre, cultural performance studies, Shakespeare, directing, dramaturgy, and a host of liberal arts, he is now Professor of Theatre & Directing at Fayetteville State University, and works professionally in the theatre as a director, actor, and singer, all while serving as Artistic Director and Playmaker at Sweet Tea Shakespeare, a small theatre company he founded in 2012. He's published articles on Shakespeare and the intersections of audience studies, company training, team formation, and project management. In college, he spent time as a music and religion major before settling on theatre and cultural performance -- just enough time to make him dangerous, you might say -- and he continues to fold in thinking from these and other areas into his work.Jeremy is a community builder. As a founder, nonprofit arts and civic leader, and student of the world, he's served on and helped to develop boards for small arts organizations, public libraries, historic resource commissions, and sports venues. As a writer, educator, facilitator, coach, and consultant, Jeremy works with a range of students and clients, from college undergrads and high school students to adult learners in the community to entrepreneurs and "solo show" operators to small businesses, nonprofits, and religious institutions. His work centers on helping folks discover and facilitate authentic moments of their own humanity by engaging senses of wonder, presence, and vulnerability. Jeremy brings a wealth of experience and knowledge in how audiences think and feel -- and how we can create moments of pause, relief, and challenge to them so that they may, in turn, make even more moments of impact.Jeremy resides in Fayetteville with his wife, Nan, and their daughter, Elliott, son, Owen, and dog, Sandy. Read More Read Less

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Publisher: Jeremy Fiebig
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07 Mar 2023
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