Jeralynne Linder

Jeralynne LinderHello my name is Jeralynne Linder, if you met the 14-year-old Jeralynne and told her, she can be an aspiring author one day, she'd laugh and say stop playing! Little did I know, my hobbies for writing love songs? Would open the door, to a future in witing books. AS I got older my priorities shifted. I had a baby boy and had to focus on work. Writing love songs was placed on hold but not forgotten. Christmas of 2015, me and some of my colleagues were laid off and waiting for instructions from our superiors. One morning I found myself sitting on the edge of my bed, wondering what's going to happen next. Then, a thought came to me. Remember my uncle used to say whenever you come to a cliffhanger in your life. "Try writing about it, it helps. You see the clarity you couldn't see before, after writing out my grievances." I realized that I found an outlet to express my thoughts and feelings. One day. I was driving with my fiancé and it was pouring rain and we stopped at a red light, Then I saw a young mother with her daughter getting ready to cross the street and saw her daughter pulling on the leash, trying to get her dog to budge but no matter how hard she pulled he wouldn't bark. We watched as the little girl and the puppy and at that moment I an idea came to my mind. I turned to my fiancé and said "I bet you I can write a story about that dog that couldn't bark. "His response was "try it, I know you can do it." From that moment I never looked back, now here we are, you are actually reading about me And how I got started. I will forever be grateful. Read More Read Less

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Dog That Couldn't Bark1 % NR
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05 Dec 2022
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Dog That Couldn't Bark1 % NR
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05 Dec 2022
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Dog That Couldn't Bark (Book 2)25 % NR
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22 Nov 2023
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