Jennifer Schulze

Jennifer SchulzeJennifer Schulze (Jen) wears many hats; she is a mom, grandma, teacher, principal, and writer. She is also Kris's older sister. Jen and Kris both know what it is like to have a mess of relatives - they have two other sisters, nine aunts and uncles, ad too many nieces, nephews, and cousins to count! Jen and her husband Dean have four children who are all grown up. Two are married, and two have children. Sometimes having a big family is hard - like when trying to take a decent family photo - but it is always an adventure. Jen is currently the principal of a small charter school in Oregon. When Jen is done being a principal, she wants to own a hot dog stand, because she likes to visit with and feed people. Plus, hot dogs are a cheap meal for a mess of relatives. Read More Read Less

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Ani Schulze: Hang in There, Baby28 % NR
Publisher: Mousse Publishing
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25 Jul 2023
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