Jennifer Epley Sanders

Jennifer Epley SandersDr. Jennifer Epley Sanders's teaching, research, and service facilitate critical thinking, cross-cultural understanding, and productive learning experiences in the classroom, university, profession, and diverse communities in the United States and Sotheast Asia. Dr. Epley Sanders currently works at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi as a professor in the Political Science Program. She graduated from the University of Michigan with an M.A. and Ph.D. in Political Science as well as a Certificate in Southeast Asian Studies and a Certificate in Survey Methodology. Her B.A. in Political Science is from Vassar College. As a political scientist, Dr. Epley Sanders uses qualitative and quantitative methods to study the politics of identity with the aim of deepening and advancing our existing knowledge about what constitutes "identity," its influences in our lives, and why identity matters for us personally, professionally, and politically. Dr. Epley Sanders loves her family, friends, sweets, lumpia, traveling, asking questions, adventures, and South Texas. Read More Read Less

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