Jennifer E Rogers

Jennifer E RogersDr. Jennifer Rogers is the Founder of Rogers Training Solutions, LLC. She works with educational stakeholders on developing tools and strategies to increase positive student outcomes. Rogers Training Solutions, LLC provides consultin, professional development, workshops, coaching, one-on-one leadership support for individuals and organizations exploring social, emotional, and behavioral interventions in school environments.

Dr. Rogers's background has reflected a strong commitment to children and adolescents and their families for over 20 years. She is proud to work side-by-side with educators in promoting social and emotional competencies for all students. She has worked with school districts across the country as a school counselor, researcher, district administrator, coach trainer, and consultant. Schools benefit from her experience as a licensed professional counselor (LPC) and training as a counselor educator to create programs to meet the social, emotional, and behavioral needs for students.

She has experience with implementing and measuring the impact of interventions in counseling, prevention, and early intervention. She has advocated for, written about, researched, trained, created interventions for, used data to support, worked with curriculum, and implemented district-wide Social Emotional Learning. Her book, Leading for Change Through Whole-School Social Emotional Learning: Strategies to Build a Positive School Culture (2019) has been adopted by educators and is currently being used in multiple districts. She trains educators in best practices to meet the needs of their specific culture and students.

Dr. Rogers professional goals align with the core mission to make social and emotional learning an integral part of education for all students. To reach the goal, her belief is that we must work to support the educators through systemic change and create a common understanding amongst all stakeholders of the benefits of social emotional learning to positive school culture.

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The SEL CoachNR
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14 Sep 2022
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Leading for Change Through Whole-School Social-Emotional Learning13 % NR
Publisher: Corwin Publishers
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02 May 2019
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