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Jen Telger

Jen TelgerJen Telger is a writer and avid people-watcher who loves to figure out what makes people tick. She believes the beauty of writing lies in her stories expanding exponentially as readers make them their own, finding solace, inspiration, familiarity, an new adventures in which to play.Having grown up in the small Midwestern town of Winona, MN, she has a keen eye for quirky characters, what makes a town a community, and the you-won't-believe-this quality of stories that happen when residents upset the local apple cart. In her Best Seller and #1 New Release debut novel, What Heals the Heart, readers are treated to the down-home realism of small-town life that Telger experienced growing up in the mid-80s. The nostalgic free-range days of yesteryear that just can't be found anymore come alive on her pages. In Sticks and Stones, Book Two of the Pullman Station Series, she invites you to discover just what it is that makes these people who they are. Telger currently resides outside of Madison, WI, with her hubby, two children, and two miniature Schnauzers. When she's not working on the next installment of life in Pullman Station, she can be found puttering in her gardens, playing with her cameras, designing homes, browsing bookstores, creating fantastic worlds in Minecraft, and drinking way too much chocolate milk (a.k.a. Elixir of Life). She is available for Book Clubs, podcasts, interviews, and event talks. You can find Telger on Facebook at Jen Telger Books, Instagram @JenTelger_Writer, and email at Read More Read Less

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Sticks and StonesNR
Publisher: Jen Telger Books
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01 Aug 2023
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What Heals the Heart11 % NR
Publisher: Jen Telger Books
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01 Aug 2023
International Edition
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