Jeffrey WebberJeffrey Webber was a public school educator for 33 years. Many of those years were spent as a Technology Facilitator for his school district. Jeffrey is passionate about living life to the fullest during his retirement years and has reinvented himsel with an exhilarating perspective. He retired at the young age of 55. That was 16 years ago. He and his wife have experienced many of the recommendations in his books. In his first book, entitled The New Professional Person's Retirement Lifestyle, Mr. Webber discusses specific, detailed, creative, and innovative activity-based recommendations for the retiree. In his second book, entitled Technology & Your Retirement Lifestyle: Tools For The New You, he discusses how life can be more accommodating during the retirement years using the tools of technology. In the third book, entitled RVing & Your Retirement Lifestyle: A Cost Effective Way to Live Your Dreams, the reader is presented with specific information on how the RV lifestyle is cost effective. The forth book is entitled Volunteering & Your Retirement Lifestyle. The thrust of this book specifies how to give back and help others, and at the same time, reinvent yourself during your retirement years. Frugality & Your Retirement Lifestyle: Live Your Dreams, emphasizes how to make the most of your financial resources in terms of living life to the fullest. This is the time to realize our passions and stay active by engaging in meaningful activities. Book number six, Hobbies & Your Retirement Lifestyle, encourages self-discovery through creative hobby suggestions. Read More Read Less
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