Jeffrey Morgan Stanton

Jeffrey Morgan StantonJeffrey M. Stanton, Ph.D. (University of Connecticut, 1997) is Associate Provost of Academic Affairs and Professor of Information Studies at Syracuse University. Dr. Stanton's research focuses on organizational behavior and technology. He is the authr of Information Nation: Educating the Next Generation of Information Professionals (2010), with Dr. Indira Guzman and Dr. Kathryn Stam. Stanton has also published many scholarly articles in peer-reviewed behavioral science journals, such as the Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, and Human Performance. His articles also appear in Journal of Computational Science Education, Computers and Security, Communications of the ACM, Computers in Human Behavior, the International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, Information Technology and People, the Journal of Information Systems Education, the Journal of Digital Information, Surveillance and Society, and Behaviour & Information Technology. He also has published numerous book chapters on data science, privacy, research methods, and program evaluation. Dr. Stanton's methodological expertise is in psychometrics with published works on the measurement of job satisfaction and job stress. Dr. Stanton′s research has been supported through 18 grants and supplements including the National Science Foundation's CAREER award.

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