Jeffrey A Lind

Jeffrey A LindJeffrey Allen Lind is a man that has gone through various everyday trials and struggles of marriage and life. He is a veteran of The U.S. Army and USARNG. He is Married to Shawn Crystal Lind, the father of 4 adult children, and a Grandfather. He enjos the outdoors, four-wheeling, and especially playing in the sand and sea when able to go snorkeling and scuba diving. He prefers to be spending quality time with his family and out adventuring throughout God's country with his wonderful wife. He also loves to watch college football in his spare time. He is a practicing Christian and loves to spread the good news of God's Love, Life and Light to ALL. He chooses to shine a new light on the Covenant of Marriage, and the amazing benefits that a exemplary Life of Love and Loving God First will bring to your marriage. Read More Read Less

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Publisher: Jeffrey A. Lind
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17 Sep 2021
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