Jeffery T FrederickDr. Jeffrey T. Frederick, President, Jeffrey Frederick Trial Consulting Services, LLC. Dr. Frederick has been involved in jury selection and jury research since 1975. He received his MS (1979) and Ph.D. (1980) in Social Psychology from North CarolinaState University. He has assisted the Department of Justice, Office of Independent Counsel, United States Attorneys' Offices, and state prosecutors and has assisted criminal defense attorneys in both civilian courts and courts-martial. He has assisted attorneys for plaintiffs and defendants in the civil area, including attorneys general and the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice. In addition to personally assisting in hundreds of cases, he has written extensively on the topic of jury trials and trial advocacy, including three key books in the area, Mastering Voir Dire and Jury Selection: Gain an Edge in Questioning and Selecting Your Jury, 4th Edition (2018), Mastering Voir Dire: Supplemental Juror Questionnaires (2018), and The Psychology of the American Jury (1987), as well as numerous articles on the jury-related topics, including Chapter 15: Online Jury Selection, The Online Courtroom: The Future of Remote Video in the Litigation Process (2022). Dr. Frederick is a frequent speaker on juries and jury issues. He has spoken at programs sponsored by the American Bar Association, American Law Institute/American Bar Association, American Psychological Association, American Psychology/Law Society, American Society of Trial Consultants, Department of Justice, Executive Office for United States Attorneys, Federal Bureau of Investigation, National District Attorneys Association, and numerous state civil and criminal bar associations and governmental programs. He teaches U.S. Tort Law as part of the Anglo-American Law Program at the Law School of the Universidad de Navarra in Pamplona, Spain. For more information, see Jeffrey Frederick Trial Consulting Services, LLC ( He can be reached by email at, or by phone at (434) 249-7330. August 2022. Read More Read Less