Jeff Pishney

Jeff PishneyJeff Pishney grew up in Iowa, attended college and graduate school in Virginia and has lived in Modesto, California since 1995. Prior to founding Love Modesto (now Love Stanislaus County) and Love Our Cities, Jeff was a pastor for almost 20 yers at Big Valley Grace Community Church. His vision to impact the community grew beyond his roles as a College Pastor and Outreach Pastor, which ultimately led to Love Modesto becoming a nonprofit organization in 2014.

Love Modesto's city-wide volunteer days have spawned a movement reaching over 100 cities and 225,000 volunteers since beginning in 2009. Jeff recognizes that more sustainable solutions are needed beyond volunteer days in order to see our cities thrive. Through his leadership, Love Modesto and Love Our Cities have become hubs for community engagement in cities across the United States. His efforts have evolved to championing ongoing volunteerism, collaboration among leaders and initiating the local efforts of Love Our Neighbors, Love Our Schools, Love Our Kids and Love Our Seniors.

Jeff and his wife, Karen, have been married for 18 years and have three children. Besides loving his family, Jeff is involved at his children's activities, passionate about social justice issues and cheering on his Iowa Hawkeyes.

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