Jeanne Chenault Porter

Jeanne Chenault PorterPROF. JEANNE CHENAULT PORTER, a native of Manhattan, received her B.A. from Barnard College (Columbia University) and her M.A. and Ph.D. in art history from the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor). In addition, she has attended the Universities of Floence, Rome, and Ghent and New York's Juilliard School of Music. At the University of Michigan she was awarded a Teaching Fellowship as well as membership in the national graduate Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi. Subsequently Dr. Porter taught at The University of Tennessee (Knoxville), Finch College (New York City), Hunter Cortege (City University of New York), and, since 1974, The Pennsylvania State University (University Park).In her field of specialization, Italian and Spanish painting of the seventeenth century, Professor Porter has received grants from the Ford Foundation, the Belgian Government, and the Institute for the Arts and Humanistic Studies (Penn State). In 1969 she was awarded a Fulbright Grant to Rome where she did research at the Biblioteca Hertziana, the Accademia di San Luca and the Archivio Segreto of the Vatican. A member of The Italian Art Society, The American Society for Hispanic Art Historical Studies and the College Art Association of America, she is included in The Directory of American Scholars.In addition to her research in the area of Baroque painting Prof. Porter has published widely on modern American painting and is listed in Who's Who in American Art. Read More Read Less

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Baroque Naples16 % NR
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Paris: Center of Artistic Enlightenment15 % NR
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Parthenope's Splendor15 % NR
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